Friday, June 17, 2022

Happy Birthday Rich Good

Photo: Reed Davis

Today I would like to wish a happy birthday to Rich Good, guitarist of The Psychedelic Furs. In the early 2000s Rich used to be in a band called The Pleased and in 2004 they opened for The Psychedelic Furs. Years later after when John Ashton left The Furs, Rich officially joined the band and has been their guitarist for 13 years.

In 2020 The Psychedelic Furs released their eighth album Made Of Rain and Rich wrote the music for the songs "The Boy That Invented Rock & Roll", "This'll Never Be Like Love", "Come All Ye Faithful", "No-One", and co-wrote "Don't Believe" along with Tim Butler and Paul Garisto. His guitar work on the album is absolutely amazing, especially on the songs "Ash Wednesday" and "No-One". "No-One" is my favorite Psychedelic Furs song of all time and Rich Good definitely deserves all the praise for writing the music on the song. The music is incredibly beautiful and fills you with emotion. And his work on the song "Evergreen" is fantastic too, creating an atmospheric beauty and nature that perfectly captures the lyrics of the song.

Rich Good is awesome as a guitarist and also as a human being. He has a heart of gold and is always kind to the fans whenever they meet him. Luckily I was one of them and I had the pleasure of meeting Rich twice in 2016 and 2017. I really wish I had the chance to meet Rich again when I last saw The Psychedelic Furs in 2019 but during the concert he actually recognized me, and I was so excited. He's one of the most nicest people I've ever met and I'll never forget his kindness to me.

Happy birthday Rich and hope you have a wonderful day!

Photo: Pam Baisi