Thursday, January 18, 2024

Top 5 Psychedelic Furs Concerts

I had been meaning to start work on this post a month ago but it kept getting delayed. The reason why is because I am always tired from work, both body and mind, and whenever I have my days off I just don't want to do anything; even the simple things. It is a weird feeling, and I get worried that I won't find the motivation to write or get ideas. But I'm trying to keep this blog up and running because I love doing this and it's one of my favorite hobbies. This year I am planning on writing about the 40th (!) anniversary of Mirror Moves, and probably the 30th anniversary of the first album from Love Spit Love.

Three years ago I did a ranking of the first four Psychedelic Furs concerts I went to. When 2020 started I assumed I would go to my fifth PFurs show and after that write a blog about my top 5 concerts. But unfortunately the pandemic hit and at the time I wasn't sure when concerts would ever return so I made a top 4 list. Now that I finally saw The Furs for the fifth time three months ago I decided to do a top 5 list. All the concerts took place in Oregon so I won't bother mentioning it on each ranking, but the cities will be listed. Also each entry will be highlighted in purple and when you click (or tap) on it, it will take you to my blog post about that particular show if you would like to read more about it.

Here are my top 5 favorite Psychedelic Furs concerts I have been to!

This concert was great but the only downside was being at the balcony, which didn't feel the same as being in the front row. However, the best part of the whole night was a special moment that occurred after the concert. See that piece of paper on the bottom of the photo above? It was the important part of what happened that night.

I find it hard to believe that it will be nine years since I saw The Psychedelic Furs for the very first time, it doesn't even feel like it's been that long. It was such an exciting time for me because back then I only saw the band in photos and heard them through their music, and so seeing The Furs in person with my own eyes was an incredible experience. It was truly amazing.

This concert was the highlight of 2023 and this was my first time seeing The Furs in four years. I went through so many emotions that night and getting to hear some of the Made Of Rain songs live was awesome. Looking back nowadays it brings both happy and sad memories for me.

My second visit to the Crystal Ballroom and I was at the barrier again. The 2019 tour was a co-headlining tour with James so the setlist was short, but the concert was wonderful. The Furs played "The Boy That Invented Rock & Roll", and that was a year before Made Of Rain came out!

This was my first visit to the Revolution Hall and not only is it my favorite Psychedelic Furs concert, but it is my favorite concert of all time; I was at the front row but I was up against the stage, with no barrier, and it was so much fun. I would love to do it again, and I hope The Psychedelic Furs will go back there. There were so many special moments that happened during that day and I never wanted it to be over.

In closing, I would like to dedicate this blog post to Mars Williams. Thank you for the memories and the music. <3

*All photos by me*