Saturday, November 30, 2019

Happy Birthday John Ashton

Wishing a happy birthday to the great John Ashton, who turns 62 today. John was the guitarist of The Psychedelic Furs from 1978 - a year after the band was formed - all the way up to the 2000s when they got back together. He left The Furs in 2009 and nowadays is in a band called Satellite Paradiso.

According to the Midnight To Midnight tour programme John's favorite guitar solo of all time was his own on "Dumb Waiters," and interestingly, his solo on "Heaven" was actually Tim Butler's favorite guitar solo of all time! As for me, I don't really know what my favorite guitar solo is because there's just so many, but my number one favorite solo from John Ashton is definitely at the end of "Forever Now." It is just so awesome sounding and has an epic feel to it.

Even though John Ashton is not in The Psychedelic Furs anymore and is doing his own thing we will always remember his contribution to the band with his music. I sometimes wonder if someday John will join the Furs on a future tour or do just one gig with them. A month ago the other guitarist Roger Morris went with The Psychedelic Furs on their UK/European tour and performed alongside Rich Good. It would be really cool if John Ashton did the same but the most important thing is for him being happy doing what he loves.

Happy Birthday John!

Friday, November 8, 2019

We Love You: 40th Anniversary

The one that started it all...

On November 2, 1979, The Psychedelic Furs released their very first single, "We Love You." This song, along with its b-side "Pulse," would later appear on The Furs' debut album in March of 1980. "We Love You's" anniversary is important because it's been 40 years since The Psychedelic Furs released their music out to the public for the first time. After when "We Love You" came out The Furs released great albums and great songs that are loved by many, changed their musical style from post punk to new wave to alternative, and are still going strong after reuniting 19 years ago. Early next year they are going to release a new album - their first in 29 years - and all of us fans are eagerly waiting for its arrival.

Back when "We Love You" was released The Psychedelic Furs wanted to be heard, and wanted people to know what they're all about. The song has a '60s rock and roll feel to it, but there was nothing psychedelic about it. However it has its own version of psychedelia: the beautiful chaos. Powerful and loud, it screams in your face, but not too rough. With the combination of John Ashton and Roger Morris' guitars, Tim Butler's bass, Vince Ely's drums, Duncan Kilburn's saxophone, and Richard Butler's (aka Butler Rep) vocals, they created a unique and brilliant piece of music. A post punk gem that shines. Even though "We Love You" didn't make it in the UK Singles Charts (the first Furs single that entered the charts was "Dumb Waiters" in 1981) it still got a following and gained new fans. "We Love You" also got some attention over in America, where it reached #77 on the Billboard Dance Charts.

I know "We Love You" isn't quite as popular as "Love My Way" and "The Ghost In You" but it needs to be recognized and be heard. It needs to be remembered as the first single and how it got The Psychedelic Furs started. "We Love You" is truly a classic and I want all of you to know about its legacy and to be thankful that the song exists; that it made The Psychedelic Furs exist. I can't even imagine what the world would be like if The Psychedelic Furs and their music never appeared. I'm so grateful the band and their music exist because if they didn't, I wouldn't be where I am now. I would never have gotten into their music, I would never have seen them in concert many times, and I would never have started this blog.

This month has another important anniversary because it's been exactly five years since I became a fan of The Psychedelic Furs. I really don't know how I came to them and how they came to me but it was meant to happen. Maybe I needed something that could make me feel better about myself, to make me happy, to give me precious memories to remember forever. I'll never forget that time when I got into their music, because back then I never knew it would really change my life. If someone came to me and say that I would see The Psychedelic Furs in concert four times, met Rich Good twice, gave them a letter and created a blog about them I wouldn't know what to say...

Has it really been four years since I stood in front of the barrier at the Crystal Ballroom, waiting for The Psychedelic Furs to come on stage, to see them for the very first time? It doesn't really feel like it was that long ago, I can't even believe it. I wish I can relive the moment when they first came on stage, because it was magical. I was so ecstatic, seeing them right before my very eyes in person. To think four years later I came back to that same venue and saw The Psychedelic Furs for the fourth time. And at the barrier too! I also want to go back to the times I met Rich Good. He was so kind and sweet to me and he's one of my favorite people in the world. I really wish I got the chance to meet Rich again when I saw The Furs three months ago but during the concert he remembered me and we waved at each other; plus he smiled at me, too. I still can't believe Rich recognized me, it was absolutely awesome.

With the other bands that I love they never really left an impact on me as much as The Psychedelic Furs did. The Furs are the ones that changed my world and had helped me with everything. I'm so thankful I had finally found a band that could do those things and nowadays I feel a whole lot better. I'm very proud to be a fan of The Psychedelic Furs and I will always be a fan forever. Let it stay forever now.

Sending huge thanks to the band that changed my life and made the past five years so wonderful. I am eternally grateful. <3

"We love you..."

Photo by me.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

New Album Update #6

It's been a while since I heard any news about The Psychedelic Furs' new album but today I discovered a recent interview with Richard Fortus. He was interviewed on a podcast by this coffee company which I've never even heard of called Death Wish Coffee. On the podcast Richard talked about producing The Psychedelic Furs' new album and he said the new album will most likely come out in early 2020. But he also said there might be a new single coming out at the end of this year! Thinking about this makes me wonder if the title for the new album will be announced very soon! I can't believe The Furs are really coming out with new music and I so want 2020 to come already. I am totally excited!

Here is the the link to the Richard Fortus interview if you want to hear it.