Sunday, August 20, 2023

Behind the Songs: Don't Be A Girl

A couple quotes from Tim Butler on the song "Don't Be A Girl."

Tim Butler: "'Don't Be A Girl' is about not listening to all this crud you get in advertisements about, you know, to be a girl you have to be gorgeous looking, wearing corsets and whatever. I mean, just be yourself. Don't believe and don't sort of be swayed by all the ads of the perfect woman. Just be yourself." (Modern Rock Live 1992)

Interviewer: "Both 'Until She Comes' and 'Don't Be A Girl' on [World Outside] have done really well over here on the college play lists. Are there any plans to release a third single?"

Tim Butler: "Yes, I think 'In My Head' is going to be released. I'm not sure at the moment. We've been taking a rest over Christmas, so we haven't been in contact with the record company yet, so we don't really know. (Northern Colorado Mirror 1992)

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