A selection of quotes from The Psychedelic Furs on the song "Fall."
Richard Butler: "As for pressures, [CBS] signed us for the material we're doing. The first single will either be 'We Love You' or 'Fall' and the first album is going to be the material we're doing now. So there's no pressure on us, we do it our way." (New Musical Express 1979)
Richard Butler: "You know the line from 'Fall': 'Needles on the beach at Goa, you will have another flower'? I heard all these people went out as hippies and became junkies when they got to Goa; somebody told me the beach actually crunched under your feet with hypodermic syringes. I thought that was great.... I had to use it." (Musician 1983)
John Ashton: "A lot of [The Psychedelic Furs] was pre-written by virtue of the fact that the band had been around a couple of years. So there were songs there. I joined the band in '78, and 'Sister Europe' was already a song, a version of 'Imitation Of Christ' was there, 'We Love You' was already there. And there were other songs that were coming along, like 'India,' that I brought to the band. 'Fall' was another, and 'Blacks/Radio,' which was just kind of a jam." (Popdose 2012)
Interviewer: "It seems you're not too fond of the institution of marriage. There's 'Wrong Train' on [Made Of Rain] and songs dating back to the first album, 'Fall' and 'Wedding Song.' Is that accurate?"
Richard Butler: "Yeah, especially then."
Interviewer: "What about now?"
Richard Butler: "I'm actually engaged to be married this summer [laughs], so I've changed my mind about it a little." (Tidal 2020)
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