Saturday, January 18, 2025

Other Desert Cities

I'm happy to say that I finally have my own Other Desert Cities T-shirt, which arrived this week.

Other Desert Cities is a line of clothing that's from Very Very, a small business store in Twentynine Palms, California. The owners of the store are Rich Good himself and his girlfriend Dana.

I actually got two shirts for me: One to wear for work and the other for going out on my days off. I also got a postcard too (free!) which was really nice. I would love to buy more from Very Very again in the future.

If you would like to buy your own Other Desert Cities shirt (and/or other stuff too) here is the link to Very Very's online shop:

2/16/25 Update: I ordered from Very Very again and I got myself these cool badges. I really love the cat one.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Behind the Songs: Should God Forget

A quote from Richard Butler on the song "Should God Forget".

Richard Butler (on being asked which songs are the most up-sounding on Book Of Days): "Rather difficult to spot on this record, aren't they? I dunno, I'd say 'Should God Forget' is. And 'Entertain Me'." (Puncture Magazine 1989)

Behind the Songs: Shine

A couple quotes from Richard Butler on the song "Shine".

Richard Butler: "I wanted to write something in waltz time. Tim [Butler] and I set up a waltz time on the drum machine and added some random bells and it seemed to have a great kind of feeling. I just started singing."

Interviewer: "You improvised that song?"

Richard Butler: "That's how the best ones happen." (Puncture Magazine 1989)

Interviewer: "You said that there would be no singles on Book Of Days."

Richard Butler: "Well, we made the record and I didn't think that there was anything that I could really hear in the top ten. It's not that I don't think there are great songs on there. What I think are my favorites off this record are 'Shine' or 'Torch' ...but good songs and singles are two entirely different things, I think." (The Bob 1990)