Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Behind the Songs: Dash

A quote from Richard Butler on the song "Dash".

Interviewer: "Talk Talk Talk has a few noteworthy keyboard parts... 'Dash' on the B-side of 'Dumb Waiters' has a piano melody. Is this a direction for the future keyboards?"

Richard Butler: "We'd like to feature more of a lot of things. I'd like to use cello and twelve string guitar as well, but keyboards will definitely be on the next album, I'd say. We just want to expand the sound. It would be great to have a big band sound on the next one. We'll have to hire session musicians to tour with us next time. Do a Talking Heads!" (Overview 1981)

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Behind the Songs: Girl's Song [Unreleased]

A quote from Richard Butler on the unreleased song "Girl's Song".

Richard Butler: "On the first album all the lyrics were written around the fact that I didn't think that you could be a good writer and sing from a personal point of view. There was a song called 'Girl's Song' that was eventually dropped which was sung from a girl's point of view, there's a song like 'Blacks' which is sung from a middle class prat's point of view, now I want to write from a narrative point of view." (Sounds 1980)

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Pretty In Pink: My Favorite Version

A month ago I had been listening to the 1986 version of "Pretty In Pink" a lot and I have to make a confession, which the fans would completely disagree with me.

The 1986 rerecording is my favorite version of the song.

Photo: Henry Diltz

I thought the original 1981 song would be my favorite since it's the first version I heard but after listening to the remake a lot it made me start to like it more. I know The Psychedelic Furs and the fans prefer the original but to me I think the thing that improves the rerecording is the inclusion of the saxophone, because in the original "Pretty In Pink" there was no saxophone.

I feel fortunate to hear the song live and after listening to the live rendition five times when Mars Williams was around, it started becoming my favorite and it's one of the reasons why I like the rerecording more. The saxophone just works. And even though you like the original better, I think you all probably agree that Mars was amazing in the rerecording.

I still love the original "Pretty In Pink" but if I have to choose between the 1981 and 1986 versions I would definitely have to pick '86.

Oh, one more thing I want to add, I absolutely love the ending in the 1986 version.